How are new manufacturing methods changing traditional crafts ...
and what can we learn from this?

In my research I investigate a variety of phenomena that
happen between carpenters and modern CNC joinery systems.

Is there a substantial change in 'their craft' ...  what about their expertise, the tacit knowledge? are they still carpenters or just machine operators? and how do we build our wooden houses when everything (might one day) come from gigantic 3D printers?  am sure that I will not be able to answer (all) these questions ... but at least I hope to make another contribution to the current debate on technology, work and the future in timber construction. It is no longer a question that the digital transformation of our society is also changing craft professions. We therefore need to think about the direction in which the processes can/should be steered

Schwarzmann, W. (2023) Digital transformation and crafts: How is the profession of the carpenter changing due to modern joinery robots? Doctoral thesis, defended February 2023, at the University of Liechtenstein; online available at:

Schwarzmann, W. (2023) Carpenter and Robot: How to benefit from the knowledge of craftsmen and the strength of robots; in: Timber Engineering. WORLD CONFERENCE. 2023. (WCTE 2023) (7 Vols) ‘Timber for a livable future.

Schwarzmann, W. (2022). What a carpenter can learn from ‘Thingiverse’; how robots are already changing the craft of carpentry. in: Structures and Architecture, A Viable Urban Perspective?; CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group

Schwarzmann, W. (2022). Wettbewerb und Wissenstransfer.
Chapter in: Touch Wood; Material Architektur Zukunft; Lars Mueller Publishers, Zurich, Switzerland

Schwarzmann, W. (2020). Traditional Knowledge on Modern Milling Robots. Paper presented at the Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age – International Online Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Berlin, Germany.

Schwarzmann, W. (2019). How new technologies can promote the reintroduction of traditional knowledge in the profession of a carpenter. Paper presented at the Space and digital reality: Ideas, Representations / Applications and Fabrication, Tallinn.

Schwarzmann, W. (2019). How Does the Process of Industry 4.0 Change the Job of a Carpenter? Paper presented at the DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

Einfaches Bauen – 5 Vorschläge für einen niedrigschwelligen Einstieg; (2024, June 19) Lecture as part of Forum 5 'Kundige Baustoffe' at the 'Konvent der Baukultur 2024' in Pottsdam

EINFACH; Vortrag, Gespräch, Praxis;  (2024, June 8). Public Lecture as part of the Austrian ‘Architekturtage 2024’;  

Kreislaufgerechtigkeit und Handwerk; #112 – Prof. Dirk Hebel, KIT, und Wolfgang Schwarzmann, Werkraum Bregenzerwald; (2023, August 17) Podcast on, Berlin

Mit dem Handwerk studieren und forschen: ein paar Fragen an Wolfgang Schwarzmann; (2023, August 10) Interview on ‘Baunetz Campus’ Berlin 

‘Forschung und Handwerk; Das Werkraumhäuschen als angewandte Handwerksforschung; (2023, April 20) ‘Bau23’ Building Fair Munich

Kluges bauen mit Holz; Vorstellung der Arbeitsgruppe;
(2023, March 17). Input at the ‘ Vorarlberger Holzbautag 2023‘ Alberschwende

„Bautark“ in Vorarlberg; Über den Mehrwert zirkulärer Bautechniken im 2. Kleinsten Bundesland;
(2023, February 24). Keynote ‘COM:BAU 2023‘ Construction Fair Dornbirn

Wie verändert sich der Beruf des Zimmerers durch moderne Abbundroboter?  (2023, January 20). 52nd education week for carpenters in Alpbach, Tyrol

 Einfach anders bauen; (2021, November 5). Workshop together with Prof. Dirk Hebel (KIT, Karlsruher institute of technology) Andelsbuch

Digitalisierung im Handwerk; HolzbauKunst - Mensch und Maschine ziehen an einem Strang. (2020, October 22) Vorarlberger Holzbautag 2020, Alberschwende.